April 4-6th, Waukesha, WI

Join us as we prepare for Holy Week!

During this Holy Year 2025, you are invited to a silent Lenten retreat at the International Schoenstatt Center.

Pilgrims of Hope and Anchored in the Covenant

  • Come, and reconnect with God and yourself!

  • Come, and in solitude spend time with and like the Blessed Mother, pondering God’s will for the here and now.

  • Come, and be spiritually renewal by the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist, and by gaining a plenary indulgence for the jubilee year 2025.

  • Come, and find new courage to form, with Mary, hope-filled families.

The International Schoenstatt Shrine in Waukesha, WI is a designated pilgrimage site in the Jubilee Year 2025!


YOU! All women: married, single, and engaged!

Joining as a young woman age 18-35?

Register through Behold for this reduced cost!

Reduced cost! $120

Pay online or bring a cash or check day of the retreat.




Friday, April 4th at 7:30pm - Sunday, April 6th at 1:30pm, 2025

Schoenstatt Retreat Center

W284 N698 Cherry Lane

Waukesha, WI 5318

Contact us at: behold@schoenstatt.us